Ali Anne made her debut last Thursday, October 15th, at 10:35 AM. She weighed 5 lb 6 oz and was 19 in long. I have NO IDEA where she was in my tummy!!
They tried the version twice to turn her. I do not recommend this. It was EXTREMELY painful. I have NEVER hurt so bad. It also didn't work. I ended up having a c-section. Everything went fine. My heart rate shot up when I heard her cry for the first time and it took the doctors a little bit to get it back down and then my blood pressure bottomed out so that was a little scary.
Ali Anne needed a little oxygen for just a few minutes after she born but then she was fine. Her glucose level was a little low (19) so she was on an IV for 36 hours. I didn't even get to see her until 5:00 that night because they were trying to get it up. They did stop by the nursery window when they were moving me to my room and let me look through the window. Burt and Mom stayed in the nursery most of the day with her.
She is absolutely beautiful and I stand in awe that she is real and actually mine. We are giving God all of the glory for this beautiful little miracle.
I will attach some more pictures later. But here is the one we took of her before we left the hospital. She was WAY too small for her preemie going home outfit so she wore a baby doll outfit.
We came home on Sunday and had to go back on Monday for a weight check and billirubin check. her bili was 10.5 when we left the hospital. On Monday she weighed 5 lbs and her bili was 11.6. They changed her formula from original Enfamil to Enfamil 24 calorie. We went back yesterday and her bili was 10.4 and her weight was up to 5lbs 2 ozs. We will take her back on Thursday to check everything again.
Oh and big news - at 32 hours old - Ali Anne flipped over from her back to her tummy. We thought it was just a fluke, but she has continued to do it every day - several times a day!!!