Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Today was just like any ordinary day for us. Burt's Dad was out of town so we couldn't celebrate with him. Haven't seen my dad is 15 years, so that was out. Burt is not a Dad. I felt sorry for him. We had to keep the nursery at church today. What a day to remind you of what you don't have. But at least we didn't have to listen to the sermon. Today was especially hard because we miscarried right before Father's Day last year. Oh well, such is life. I am going to start counting my blessings because I am so blessed. I may not have everything that I want but I have everything I need and one day the Lord will bless me with what I His way and in His time.

To answer Heather's comment from the other day. I haven't tried Pre-Seed. I really don't know much about it. But I am willing to try anything. I'll read up more on it this month and try it next cycle.

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